Wednesday, December 31, 2008


Why are some people diabetic?

Diabetic are people who suffer from diabetes. The main kind of diabetes affects the pancreas, which is a gland that produces a hormone called insulin. This hormone controls the amount of sugar in the blood, which provides energy for the body. Without sufficient insulin in the body the sugar in the blood would not be properly absorbed by the body resulting an illness called "Diabetes".

There are two types of diabetes; insulin dependent and insulin independent. Type 1 diabetes is the insulin dependent which requires the affected person to administer insulin, because the body cannot produce sufficient insulin for the body to control and absorbed the glucose in the blood. In order to monitor glucose/sugar in the blood, we have "RBS" Random Blood Sugar Monitoring which is the simplest and most affordable way to know your blood sugar content. To diabetic patient RBS is common, before administering insulin they perform RBS monitoring because there are specific number of insulin for different sugar level in the blood.(Note: it is best that you consult your doctor) The type 2 diabetes or what we call insulin independent is less prevalent than type 1 diabetes. The main cause of type 2 diabetes is the incompentent insulin produced by the pancrease. The insulin produced cannot function well leading to high glucose level.
Diabetes is hereditary, so if you have a family history of diabetes be careful of sweets and always exercise. It runs through the family with proper diet and proper monitoring diabetes can be prevented. It is better to prevent than to cure.

Diabetes usually cannot be cured. But by taking insulin and following strict rule for diet and exercise, the effects can be prevented. In the future, doctors hope that a method of automatic sugar control will be developed so that diabetics need no longer be concerned with their condition. This method could involved biosensors to monitor blood sugar levels and release insulin when it is needed.

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