Everyone is afflicted with worry, some people tend to worry more than others. These persons or individuals tend to be moody and gloomy, They tend to look at the negative side of life. Worry means "to disquiet, make uneasy," " to trouble, torment, harass," futile, nervous agitation, often purposeless, always restless. In biblical literature, the word referring to worry translated " anxiety or care".
Anxiety is a term used by psychiatrists and psychologists to mean the same as fear or worry. Sigmund Freud, the founder of psychoanalysis, showed that anxiety is a fundamental emotion that influences our lives from earliest childhood. This is true of those who are mentally healthy as well as of those who are mentally ill.
People with neuroses frequently complain of excessive anxiety. Many people with psychoses also have this compaint. Sometimes such people dread and avoid particular situations or activities such as high places, trains or other vehicles, or walking on the street alone. These special dreads are called phobias.
Effects of Worry
A persons or individuals suffer from loss of apetite, ulcers, stomach problems even tooth decay. They also experience backaches, headaches, lack of concentration, insomia, as well as visual andheart problems. Some claim that worries are high achievers because they are driven by their worries to work harder in order not to fail.
Worry is a monster that pounces on you and leaves you nearby as good as dead. It can dampen your energy and enthusiasm, rob your job, disturb your peace of mind and insult your sense of contentment. It can paralyze you with fear and make you forget your worth.
What Causes Worry
1. Concern for the Future.
Worry can be an unnecessary preoccupation with unpleasant things that might happen. Wars, terrorism, nuclear testing, and natural disasters could project a bleak future, sowing fear among people. Besides wordly concerns, people are also anxious about their personal problems. Women fear being raped. Singles dread the thought of growing old alone.
2. Cares of this World.
The people today are materialistic, the pursuit of pleasure, prestige and prosperity has become the primary goal. People are anxious not just to make a living, but to have a luxurious lifestyle. They go after a five-digit income , in exchange for a lot of hard and stressful work. The desire to be physically appealing is also becoming a source of anxiety to many females, especially teenagers. Unfortunately many equate being thin-really thin- to being sexy. In an attempt to greatly reduce weight, some become afflicted with eating disorders.
3. Challenges and Complexities of Life.
Fulfilling the demands of daily duties and responsibilities can also cause worry. Many people suffer headaches and sleepless nights to meet deadflines. Adults are constantly wary about their financial obligations. Some worry about mundane things like what to wear or watch.
4. Childhood Experiences.
Some childhood experiences and parental influences may contribute to a person's apprehensions. A parents suffered from serious financial problems might grow up with a tendency to overly worry about financial security. Or someone who has overly health-concious parents may be affected with hypochondria.
Helpful Tips to fight worry
1. Work.
While many of our worries are without solid basis, some concerns are legitimate. We should attend to them as a matter of duty and for our peace of mind. We need to work to survive and support our family. We should save for the future needs of your children.
2. Trust in God.
Toil if you must, but put your trust in God. Confidence in God, who cares and provides, can be an anchor for your trouble soul. As mortals we are capable of performing a lot of things and yet we are also limited. But God is unlimited and He can come to our rescue when we need Him. Trust your heavenly Father who feeds the birds of the air to feed you as well.
3. Take one day at a time.
In His sermon on the mount, Jesus admonished His followers not to worry about tommorow. He even adds, " Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life." Take time to attend to every legitimate concern. But remember, you're also entitled to take a rest. You shouldn't feel guilty when you have to unwind once in a while. You might be surprised to find out that relaxation can recharge your zest to face life's challenges.
4. Be thankful for your blessings.
A thankful heart breeds contentment. Being thankful for every blessing I receive frees me from worrying. I am not choked by greed nor torn apart by jealousy or envy.
5. Train your mind to focus on the positive side.
Some people always dwell on the negative. Even in the midst of a happy occasion they expect a sad event to follow. They are critical of others. They are panicky about what they do, fearful that something has been overlooked. I'm not saying that we disregard errors or close our eyes to a wrongdoing. I'm saying that we should refuse to entertain any thought that is neither constructive nor purposeful.
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