Saturday, January 31, 2009

How to Make Caregiving Easier

1. Find ways to communicate.

When your loved one becomes frustrated trying to find the right words, be patient. Allow time before "helping" fill speech gaps. Use short sentences, and add hand and face signals. Stand so your face and hands can be seen. Communicate from the side not affected by the stroke.
Communication is sharing information or providing entertainment by speaking, writing, or other methods. Probably the most important type of communication is personal communication, which happens when people make their thoughts and wishes known to one another. People communicate in manny ways, including by talking, by moving their hands, and even by making faces. People also use telephone calls, text massages, internet, and letters for personal communication. Without personal communication, parents would not know what their children need. Teachers could not help their students learn. Friends could not make plans with one another. People could not share knowledge. Each person would have learn everything for himself or herself.

2. Dont Take Emotional Outburst personally.

Realize behaviors such as inappropriate laughter or crying or easy irritation are due to the stroke. They don't necessarily express true feeling. Emotion is usually considered to be a feeling about or reaction to certain important events or thoughts. An emotion can be either pleasant or unpleasant. An individual also may have a mixture of both pleasant and unpleasant emotions. People enjoy feeling such pleasant emotions as love, happiness, and contentment. They often try to avoid feeling unpleasant emotions, such as loneliness, worry, and grief. However, people are sometimes not fully aware of their own emotions. Although most people believe they know what an emotion is, psychologists have not yet agreed on a definition that applies to both human beings and other animals.
Individuals communicate most of their emotions by means of words, a variety of other sounds, facial expressions, and gestures. For example, anger causes many people to frown, make a fist, and yell. People learn ways of showing some of their emotions from members of their society, though heredity may determine some emotional behavior. Research has shown that different isolated peoples show emotions by means of similar facial expression. Even children who are born blind have facial expressions like those of sighted children.

3. Create a Calm Environment.

When communicating, make sure you have the person's attention. Select a topic for discussion, make sure that when he or she is talking focused your faced and always listened. By moving your heads up side down means your understand what they saying, no argument is needed. Turn off the television or radio, a quiet place or environment, it helps to have a better conversations If your loved one loses interest, touch him or her to regain attention- or find a better time.

4. Be Flexible.

Observe natural cycles of your loved one's alertness and fatigue. Plan a flexible daily schedule that allows regular rest periods. Keep focused periods to five or 10 minutes at a time.

5. Plan Exercise.

Get an exercise plan from the physical therapist that they are the one conducting a physical theraphy, so what is physical theraphy. Physical theraphy is the use of physical means, such as light, heat, cold and exercise, to treat disease or injury. Physical theraphy is used to help prevent, relieve, or correct conditions that interfere with a person's physical ability to function normally. Physical theraphy is helpful in treating many diseases and disabilities. It is often used in treating heart and lung diseases and virious types of paralysis and muscles weaknesses, such as strokes and multiple sclerosis. It is also important in amputations, fractures and other injuries, and other orthopedic conditions. With the aid of physical theraphy, a disabled person may lead a constructive and creative life. There are many kinds of equipment, exercises and self-help devices are used to help the disabled person. Radiant heat lamps, electric heating pads, diathermy, hydrotheraphy, and paraffin baths are used to apply heat. Heat relieves pain, improves circulation, and relaxes muscles. Cold, when used soon after injury, lessens pain, hemorrhage, and swelling. Ultravio;et radiation attacks germs and promotes healing of certain skin disorders. Ultrasound is used to treat inflammatory conditions of joints, muscles, and nerves, and painful amputation stumps.
Exercise helps to maintain and improve body function and posture. It increases muscle tone, strength, and endurance. Some exercises can be performed by the patient alone. For others, the patient might need the help of the therapist. Often mechanical devices, such as parallel bars, stationary bicycles, pulleys, weights and dumbbells, are used. Self-help devices such as splints, braces, crutches, and wheelchairs help disables people perform daily activities. Physical therapist train people to use these devices and to develop confidence in accomplishing daily tasks.

6. Divide Responsibilities.

Share caregiving and household tasks among family members. Ask friends to help shop and run errands. Or have groceries delivered. Cook meals ahead and freeze meal-size portions.

Friday, January 30, 2009

Postural Hypotension

What you can do for Postural Hypotension?

Postural hypotension related age or an underlying disease may not be curable. There are some ways to be done by trying these to minimize symptoms:

1. Get out of bed slowly.
Try sitting up in bed for at least five minutes before standing. Slowly move your hands by grabbing and your feet by stretching while in the bed.

2. Stand and Flex.
Wait a few seconds after standing to adjust to being upright. You can shake your hands and legs. But avoid standing perfectly still. Instead, try rocking to help tighten your thigh and buttocks muscles. This may improve blood flow from legs.

3. Try support hose.
These may also improve blood flow from your legs. Talk to your doctor about proper fit and kind of materials your going to use or brand.

4. Eat smaller meals.
Make sure that the food you are going to eat is a complete diet, a little fish, meat, vegetables , milk and fresh fruits . After a large meal, blood flows toward your abdomen ( and away from the head ) to aid in digestion.

5. Drink plenty of water.
Being even mildly dehydrated can promote postural hypotension by depleting blood volume. Getting enough salt can also help maintain fluid levels.

6. Avoid Alcohol.
Do not take alcohol because alcohol is dehydrating and relaxes blood vessels, it can aggravate postural hypotension.

7. Take cooler bath.
Avoid hot baths or hot tubs. Heat expands blood vessels, increasing the likelihood that blood will pool in your legs.

8. Seek treatment.
Several drugs are available to treat postural hypotension. A new prescription medication called midodrine ( ProAmantine ) may help reduce severe symptoms.

4 R Stress Prevention Formula

Regular aerobic exercise for 30 minutes three to five times a week-jogging, brisk walking, biking, swimming, dancing, or anything , - releases endorphins, the mind-body's natural pain killer and mood calmer. And what is endorphin, endorphin is any of a group of substances in the nervous system of human beings and animals. Endorphins and closely related chemicals called enkephalins are part of a larger group of morphinelike compounds called opioids. Opioids help releive pain and promote a feeling of well-being. Endorphins and enkephalins control the brain's perception of, and response to, pain and stress and many form part of the body's pain relieving system.

Lose yourself in a book, magazine, or any reading materials that can make your brain think, especially one that can help you laugh at yourself and at the absurdities of your "on the edge" and "learn-and-mean" world. Reading is the act of interpreting printed and written words. It is a basic tool of education and one of the most important skills in everyday life. We live in a world of printed words. Through reading we acquire new ideas, obtain needed information, seek support for our ideas, add to our personal pleasure, and broaden our interests. The ability to read helps distinguish human beings from other animals. People in civilized country read hundreds or even thousands of words every day. They may not look at a book, newspaper, or magazine to do this. For example, they read their mail, street signs, traffic direstions, advertisements on billboards, package labels, the wording in television and karaoke, and many other things with words. The ease and skill with which they read all these words help them develop pride and self-confidence.

Take time to reflect on these gnawing stressors: what they are, how they manifest themselves, and your negative and positive coping patterns. Can you let go of one or two of these stress gremlins or at least retreat from " all or none" and rigidly idealistic expectations? Remember this basic law of " safe stress " . Do know your limits and don't limit your "No" s.

Research shows that writing about your problematic scenario can reduce stress. You can start writing a diary about the thing that memorable on your daily life. Collect pictures and put a caption that will remind your mind. And capturing ideas and images that both cognitively analyze issues and release emotions produces the greatest benefit. Write on.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Medical Causes of Fatigue

1. ANEMIA, which is caused by lack of iron in the blood. This is the primary medical explanation for fatigue in women of childbearing age. What is anemia? Anemia is a condition in which the number of healthy red blood cells falls below normal. Red blood cells pick up oxygen in the lungs and carry it to tissues throughout the body. There, the oxygen is combined with food to release energy. In an anemic person, the blood cannot provide the tissues with enough oxygen. Thus, the person feels weak or tired. others symptoms are dizziness, headaches, pale or cool skin, rapid heartbeat, and shortness of breath. Anemia is not a disease itself, but a condition caused by a variety of diseases and disorders. The main causes of anemia are (1) insufficient production of red blood cells, (2) loss of blood and (3) excessive destruction of red blood cells.

Insufficient Production of Red Blood Cells. Each day, about 0.8 per cent of the body's red blood cells wear out and destroyed. If the body fails to replace these cells at the same rate, anemia results. Red blood cells are produced inthe bone marrow, a tissue in the center of the bones. This process requires various minerals and vitamins that are supplied by the diet.

Deficency Anemias develop if the diet does not include sufficient amounts of iron, vitamin B12, or folic acid. These nutrients are essential for the production ofred blood cells. Deficiency anemias also result if the body cannot absorb these nutrients properly. For example, pernicious anemia occurs when vitamin B12 cannot be absorb. Physicians treat deficiency anemias by adding the missing nutrient to the diet or by administering it through injections or in tablets.

Aplastic Anemias occurs if the bone marrow loses its ability to produce red cells. Some cases are due to diseases that affect the marrow, such as leukemia in its early stages. Other cases result from exposure to chemicals or radiation. Many cases have no apparent cause. Victims of aplastic anemia receive regular blood transfusions until their bone marrow begins to function again. In many cases, however, the marrow never regains function, and the victims dies.

2.THYROID DISEASE, which may affect up to 10 percent of women. Symptoms include fatigue, difficulty losing weight, extremely dry skin and hair and sensitivity to cold. The Underactive Thyroid, called hypothyroidism, is a deffect that results in the low production of thyroid hormones. This defficiency causes an overall decrease in both physical and mental activity. Symptoms appear in almost every organs system of the body. The skin becomes dry and puffy. Hair thins and becomes brittle. Slow speech, slow reflexes, poor memory, constipation,and fatigue can all result from hypothyroidism. In adult it causes mental and physical retardation. The Overactive Thyroid, called hyperthyroidism, results in an overproduction of thyroid hormones.

3. DEPRESSION, which is an underdiagnosed, underrecognized condition among women. It is a serious disorder in which a person suffers long periods of sadness and other negative feelings. The term Depression also describes a normal mood involving the sadness, grief, disappointment, or loneliness that everyone experiences at times. Depressed people may feel fearful, guilty, or hopeless. They often cry, and many lose interest in work and social life. Many cases of depression also involve aches, fatigue, loss of appetite, or otherbphysical symptoms. Some depressed patients try to harm or kill themselves. Period of depression may occurs alone or they may alternate with periods of mania ( extreme joy and overactivity ) in a disorder called bipolar disorder, also known as manic-depressive disorder.
According to another theory, disturbances in the chemistry of the brain occurs during depression. Brain cells communicate with one another by releasing called neurotransmitters. Some think that certain neurotransmitters become underactive during depression and overactive during mania. These changes in brain chemistry may be related to disturbances in the body's internal rhythms.
4. CHRONIC FATIGUE SYMDROME (CFS). Symptoms include: Severe fatigue lasting for more than six months that does not improve with rest, impaired memeory and thought processes, pain, and sleep difficulties.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Unpleasant Sensation

Pain is an unpleasant sensation. People generally associate pain with physical injuries or illnesses. But feelings and emotions can also produce pain. For example, an noyance can produce painful tension in the neck muscles. Pain is highly personal sensation. An injury that causes severe pain is one person might produce only moderate pain in another. Physicians find it difficult to measure pain and must rely largely on the patient's description of the sensation. Headache pain, for instance, provides little measurable evidence, yet headache sufferers often report extremely severe pain.

Nerves carry pain signal to the brain in the form of electric impulses. The brain responds to these signals in different ways, depending on the situation. In some cases, the brain does not react immediately to the signals. For example, an athlete injured during a game may not notice any pain until the contest is over. In such cases, the brain ignores the pain signals because it is concentrating on other tasks.

Severe pain can serve as a useful warning that something is physically wrong with the body. In most such cases, the pain disappears after the fault is corrected. Physicians refer to such short-lived, severe pain as a acute pain. It differs from chronic pain, which last a longtime. Some chronic pain results from disorders that cannot be completely cured, such as certain types of cancer and arthitis. But in other cases, pain persists even though its physical cause has been corrected. This type of chronic pain resists treatment and can lead to mental breakdowns and drug abuse. Some persons undergo many unsuccessful surgical operations in effort to control such incurable pain.

People instinctively recoil from pain and often react to it with fear and tension, which in themselves may increase the discomfort. Yet the mind and body have an innate capacity for mastering the perception of pain to some degree. Soldiers at the battle front with terrible wounds have often reported far lesser degrees of pain and required fewer analgesics than civilians with comparable injuries.

It is also possible to summon up the body's pain-regulating mechanism through training and effort. Religious ascetics purposely inflict injury on themselves to pursue a spiritual goal, yet they experience no pain when they practice such extreme forms of self-mortification as walking through fire. Women trained in psychoprophylaxis, a relaxation technique for natural childbirth, can endure labor pains with little or no medication.

In such instances, the brain has probably mobilized the body's endorphins-morphine-like substances in the nervous system and gut that suppress pain. One experiment showed that when people believe pain will be lessened, it is. A group of patients who were told they had received a painkiller but were in fact given a placebo- a pill without analgesic effect- actually increased the levels of endorphins in their systems and experienced a decline in discomfort.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Digital Systems/Computers

What's so wonderful about digital?

You often hear how much better digital systems are than others. Digital musical instruments and recordings give very good sound, digital watches keep good time, digital tele-communication fast and easy to communicate, digital medical instruments for example the thermometer, blood pressure monitor, and others medical tech equipment and machine help the physician, transportations in space, land and sea they use digital equiptment and machines. Digital camera brings clear pictures, household equipments machines are digital. Computers are digital machines. But what does digital means.

Basically, a digital system is one that works with numbers. A digital watch display the time in changing numbers rather than the movement of hands over a dial. The other main kind of of system is called analog, and analog systems work by using things to represent numbers or quantities. As a watch may use hands to show the time, a thermometer uses the movement of a column of liquid to indicate temperatures and a gramophone records uses the wiggles of a groove to preserve sound waves. These are all analog system. Digital systems work first by measuring a changing-for example sound waves in digital recording- and then converting the measurements into strings of numbers. These numbers are in the form of codes and are usually handled by computers, which can deal with numbers very fast.

The numbers are then processed in some way; they may be recorded, for example. The system then takes the numbers and changes them back into required form, such as sound waves. Now, in all the processes that take place, the value of the numbers does not change, so that when they are changed back, the sound or whatever is produced is virtually identical to the original. Using a digital system the quality does not deteriorate.

Analog system change quantities into other quantities. In analog recording and broadcasting, for example, sound waves are changed into varying electric currents in wires, radio signals transmitted through the air, magnetic patterns on tape or wiggles in the grooves of a record, and then back into sound. All these changes degrade the sound, so that it is not as good as the original.

Digital computers solve problems and do other tasks by counting, comparing, and rearranging digits in the arithmetic/logic unit. All data, whether numbers, letters, or symbols, are represented by digits. Digital computers commonly use the digits of the binary numeration system. Unlike the familiar number system, which uses 10 digits, the binary system uses only two digits: 0 and 1. These binary digits called bits, can be easily represented by thousands of tiny electronic circuits of digital computer.The circuits operate much like an ordinary electric switch. When the switch is off, it corresponds to the binary digits 0. When the switch is on, it corresponds to the digit 1.

An electronic digital computer is able to perform all the basic arithmetic operations because binary digits, like decimal numbers, can be added, subtracted, multiplied, and divided. To solve a problem, it carries out these operations automatically one after the other according to the program stored in its memory.

Most digital computers are general-purpose computers. They can be programmed to handle all sorts of complicated, multistep tasks. These computers are so widely used that the word computer often means a general-purpose digital computer.

A Short Radio Wave

What is Microwaves?

Microwaves is a short radio wave. It varies from .03937 inch to 1 foot ( 1 millimeter to centimeters) in length. Microwaves travel in straight lines. Like light waves, they may be reflected and concentrated. But they pass easily through rain, smoke, and fog, which block light waves. They can also pass through the ionosphere, which surrounds the earth and block or reflects longer radio waves. Thus, microwaves are well suited for long-distance, satellite, and space communications and for control of navigation.

Microwaves first came to public notice through the use of radar in World War II (1939-1945). Today, many satellite communications systems use microwaves. In TV, microwaves transmission sends programs from pickup cameras in the field to the TV transmitter. These programs can then be sent via satellite to various locations around the world. Microwaves can transmit pictures and printed matter in the process called Ultrafax. They can also cook food in microwave ovens.

Many people use microwaves in their homes. They are the kind of rays that heat food in microwave ovens. Microwaves are also important in communication. They are used like radio waves to carry signals from one place to another. No need to worry, though-these microwaves don't roast birds or burn aircraft that fly to through them. There many kinds of brand of microwave oven. In a developed countries, every household used microwave oven.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Best Cure for an Overused Muscle and Strain Injury

Body strecthing is required before beginning a repetitive task. Stretch the muscles of your shoulders, arms, hands, and legs. Slowly bend your wrists back and forth, shake your legs many times, make a sit and stand movement or roll your shoulders in small, gentle rotations. Exercising can also prevent recurrence of previous muscle injury.

Adaption of new positions which can make you feel good and relax can also be of great help. If you're in an awkward position or your movements are restrained, you can make use of an equiptment, for example, a table specially designed for comfortable use of your computer. Facing or looking at a beautiful site or pictures inside the rooms or looking outside the window can also help you relax and loosen up the tired and achy parts of your body.

Another remedy to overused muscle and strain injury is by alternating repetitive tasks with another. If you have been working for two hours solving problems and you already feel tired, work on another duty or task which is easier to do and after you're done with it, you can go back to the first task. This will help in increasing your concentration in solving the problems.

Taking a short break will also do the trick. Sometimes, when you work for four hours straight without break, the result is an incomplete job different from what you are projecting, expecting or aiming. Talking to your co-workers about matters which are not work-related can also help. Observed yourself especially your health condition, because in whatever you do, you need to be in good shape.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Smoke in the mind

Why some people smoke?

Early in the morning when they wake up ,while drinking hot coffee they smoke and while sitting in the toilet they smoke to eliminate the bad smell. They say that after eating they want to smoke to remove the taste of the food liked crab and shrimp. When there is a party or gathering, while drinking wine or beer having conversation to each other, exchanging experience and ideas about the past, problems they encounter in their job and how to solve it, mostly are smoking. When waiting a bus some smoke.

When working, some they do it to refresh their mind just to finished their work - writers making a column, architects designing a house and building, engineers computing the strength of materials, accountants balancing the financial statement, lawyers researching and preparing pleadings, a politician implementing law and to have good governance, actors making a movie, soldiers tour of duty,they smoke.

Smoking calms other people minds and feelings but it is the primary cause of cancer and different health diseases. Therefore why do people smoke eventhough they know the effects of smoking?is it for pride? for socialization? or for relaxation? The main cause why people is still undefined, is it because of the nicotine content of cigarettes and tobacco, or the lungs gets used to it that it is already a daily body requirements for that person. Because if the main cause would be nicotine why do some people only smoke when they are in stress, they say that it relaxes them and sometimes while drinking it removes the effects of alcohol(for some people). But the truth is we cannot stop people from smoking specially those people who are now addicited to it. We can only lessen the number of sticks of cigarettes per day that is the best and only solution.